New York City needs to develop more mechanisms that enable us to expert control over our own transit system. Too much of our city’s critical transit infrastructure is controlled by New York state and other undemocratic entities like the MTA, Port Authority and Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority. The Subway system, which exists entirely within New York City, should be controlled by New York City’s government.
Other transit infrastructure that extends beyond NYC’s borders should also be managed in a holistic manner that is more directly connected to democratic accountability structures. This is why I propose the development of a new, regional governance layer that I’m calling the New York Metropolitan Area (NYMETA), which could ultimately unify the 31-counties in the New York City Metropolitan Area together into an entity tasked with coordinating government actions and providing a mechanism whereby the 22+ million person metro-region can articulate it’s desires for regional actions.
Beginning an explicit journey towards regional governance, while also pursuing aggressive digital transformation of the various transit agencies that are active in New York City, is the only solution-set powerful enough to deliver New York City residents the transit solutions they deserve.