Criminal Justice Reform

Close Rikers

There are many reasons to close Rikers: it’s too expensive to reform and maintain; we don’t need it’s capacity; and there are better uses for the island. Close it.

Tackle Placard Abuse

Placard abuse is a practice whereby city officials illegally park their personal cars and then put unofficial and unauthorized placards on their dashboards that instruct traffic police not to ticket them. This practice is a danger to the public and gives the impression that there are two classes of people in this city: one class that has to obey the law and another that does not.

As Public Advocate, I will work with various stakeholder groups to build consensus around systems to accommodate the clear need for more parking for city workers, while confronting the issue of placard abuse head on.

Ensure implementation of bail and discovery reform

This past legislative session, the state legislature managed to pass much-needed reform that would limit use of bail to those accused of violent crimes, and would mandate early disclosure of police and prosecutorial records to criminal defendants, including before a plea.

Local district attorneys, however, have signaled their dissatisfaction with these new reforms and have contended that they may not be able to comply for reasons of cost or necessity. My office will monitor and ensure that these reforms are effectively implemented.